Well, at least they have some convictions

Unlike many Hollywood types, I have to at least credit these folks with following through.

17 Responses to “Well, at least they have some convictions”

  1. Soon you too can bet on Tranny Poker Midget Chicks!

  2. NJ Sue says:

    yeah, you’d like to hold’em

  3. Mr. Bingley says:

    oops! got to check who I’m signed in as next time…

  4. Ken Summers says:

    You gotta know when to fold ’em, man. I suspect the better half will have a “chat” with you later.

  5. Jorgen says:

    oops! got to check who I’m signed in as next time…

    Ah, so you are the one writing all these comments (except this one!)? Yeah, I did wonder where all those reader should have come from!

  6. The Real JeffS says:

    Yep, they do have convictions with their morals. I still think they are over-reacting. I just wish some of the Hollywood types would emigrate as well.

  7. Mr. Bingley says:

    jorgen – i wonder if schizophrenics get a different email account for each personality?
    ken – yeah, she did, but the bruise will go down in a day or so. I’ve got to get another computer so this doesn’t happen again. hello, mac mini…

  8. Mr. Bingley says:

    i agree jeffs, but i did laugh when i read “put her volvo up for sale”. heh…who would have ever guessed that would be the car of choice for this crowd!

  9. The Real JeffS says:

    Well, I’m sure that putting her volvo on the market was likely an extreme act of personal sacrifice on her part…..but only from her perspective! 🙂

  10. Mr. Bingley says:

    she sold the volvo, but kept the birkenstocks, it seems; some sacrifices are too much to bear!

  11. Emily says:

    I’m not going to even ask about Mr. B’s “NJ Sue” alter ego.
    Wait, yes I am. WTF?

  12. Crusader says:

    I’m not going to even ask about Mr. B’s “NJ Sue” alter ego.

    Not alter ego, but better half…

  13. NJ Sue says:

    Actually, I’m his “altar ego.”

  14. Mr. Bingley says:

    she is my veiled threat…

  15. Emily says:

    Ouch. Ouch. Please stop. It’s not punny.
    See what I mean?

  16. Mr. Bingley says:

    but emily, she’s my bride and joy.

  17. Emily says:

    That’s it. Now I’m just going to kick your ass.

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