What The Hell

Perhaps 27 dead, including 18 children

Twenty-seven people, including 18 children, have been killed in a shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, according to the Associated Press.

The report cites an official with knowledge of the situation.

Sources told The Courant that there are at least 20 shooting victims. Many of the shootings took place in a kindergarten classroom, sources said.

One entire classroom is unaccounted for, sources said.

My god.

9 Responses to “What The Hell”

  1. JeffS says:


    Prayers and condolences to the families.

  2. gregor says:

    and the politicizing begins in 3…2…1…

    that aside, I hope and pray my daughter decides to home
    school my grand daughter.

  3. nightfly says:

    Terrifying and gruesome. God bless those hurt and killed, and grant solace and healing to their families.

  4. Julie says:

    Can’t imagine what the first responders are going through, too.

  5. Kathy Kinsley says:

    First responders are going through hell – as are the families. 🙁

    May they all be blessed with healing.

  6. KingShamus says:

    Pray for Newtown. The media vultures are circling over these poor people. We need to be supportive, not opportunistic ghouls looking to make some barren political statement.

    Isn’t that right, Mayor Mike Bloomberg?

  7. Kathy Kinsley says:

    “Isn’t that right, Mayor Mike Bloomberg?”

    Good luck with that…

  8. Mark says:

    I live in CT. We have very restrictive gun laws. Yet I’m sure at our upcoming legislative special session to address our ballooning deficit there will be calls to “DO SOMETHING”.

    As if someone capable of committing matricide and infanticide is really paying attention to laws, anyway…

  9. Kathy Kinsley says:

    @Mark- I was considering leaving a very snarky “OF course they pay attention to laws!” reply. But. They don’t.

    Criminals (criminally insane or not) traditionally Do Not pay attention to laws. But, somehow the left keeps thinking they will? Nutso

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