Why Do I Sense Something


Tyson Wins Court Victory Against Poultry Competitors
…Sanderson Farms, Foster Farms and Perdue Farms filed a motion Friday for a temporary restraining order prohibiting Tyson from continuing its “Raised Without Antibiotics” chicken marketing program. They claimed the program, which is in the midst of a transition, contains incorrect information.
However, Judge Catherine Blake of U.S. District Court in Baltimore, denied the competitors’ motion…
…Tyson announced in December the company and USDA had agreed to a new and more informative labeling for the company’s Raised Without Antibiotics chicken program. The new label will include the following language:

Chicken Raised Without Antibiotics that impact antibiotic resistance in humans.

Ah. Clarity.

And here I thought they were trying to camouflage something.

3 Responses to “Why Do I Sense Something”

  1. The_Real_JeffS says:

    The whole dispute is bird brained, but if the competition wants to squawk about it, whom am I to cluck over their silliness?

  2. Dave E. says:

    Yes, I’m sure Tyson’s competitors will continue to peck away.

  3. nightfly says:

    They put all their eggs in that lawsuit basket, and the yolk’s on them.

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