You Know I Love You Guys Dearly

But I am somewhat disappointed that no one (and I’m looking at you, Ken) has gotten the pun yet in my Music Theory post from a few months ago:

9 Responses to “You Know I Love You Guys Dearly”

  1. Sorry man. Been busy. And/or drunk.
    All I can come up with so far is “circle of Scotch”, and that makes no sense.

  2. Retread says:


  3. Bill N says:

    A Scottish wheel (reel).

  4. Bill N says:

    Hell I meant to says a Higland wheel (reel).

  5. Mr. Bingley says:

    The Highland Reel is what I do after sampling those bottles, ’tis true!

  6. Dave E. says:

    I tried, but I kept getting stuck on the Fifths of Forth, or the Firth of Fifths, and couldn’t get unwrapped.

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