Ah, The Glittering Ivies

You get your Bachelor’s Degree from Columbia…

Your Juris Doctor from Harvard…

But you still ain’t got no Masters in Basic English

“The Republicans plan, Obama says, boils down to this: ‘Dirtier air, dirtier water, less people with health insurance.'”

“Fewer”, Mr. President.

Here’s a simple sentence to help you remember:

Since you’ve been President we have less hope for the future and fewer dollars for the present.

7 Responses to “Ah, The Glittering Ivies”

  1. Gary from Jersey says:

    Hey! This guy edited something at Harvard. Racist!

  2. Skyler says:

    That’s about as small a criticism as complaining about split infinitives.

  3. Mr. Bingley says:

    I’m going for that “defeat by a thousand paper cuts” sort of thing, Skyler.

    Besides, I like being petty. It makes me feel empowered.

  4. Ave says:

    Could it be you are married to a particularily spectabulous Professor of English?

  5. Winston Smith says:

    I thought his records were sealed, so how can we know what he edited?

  6. major dad says:

    Point being the guy is a moron no matter how many degrees he has. He was going all brother talk too.

  7. NJ Sue says:

    I choose my grocery stores on the basis of their aisle signs: “10 items or fewer” will win my business. Go Acme of Lincroft!

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