Are You Trying to Tell Me DEAD FISH


Rahm’s PhRMA deal in danger?

The FT suggests that the deal with drug companies which helped health care legislation pass, but which also gave the (accurate) impression that it had involved back-room deals with special interests, may be collapsing:

Senior Democrats on Capitol Hill, including Dick Durbin, the Illinois senator, are ignoring a carefully negotiated detente between the drug industry and the administration of Barack Obama, US president, by calling for the federal government to have more power to negotiate drug prices on behalf of beneficiaries of Medicare, the government-sponsored insurance programme for the elderly.

The proposal runs counter to an agreement that was reached behind closed doors between the White House and the drug industry…

Oh, go on!

2 Responses to “Are You Trying to Tell Me DEAD FISH”

  1. Yojimbo says:


    No honor among thieves, too bad.

  2. JeffS says:

    I trust a thief more than I trust these characters, Yojimbo.

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