Bumper Sticker Contest

Wunder is having a bumper sticker contest. Go give it your best shot!

5 Responses to “Bumper Sticker Contest”

  1. Kate P says:

    Yours are scathingly funny! I made my contribution.

  2. Mr. Bingley says:

    Kate, your last was sheer brilliance!

  3. Kate P says:

    Aw, shucks, thanks. I was trying to figure out one that would be like, “You can throw up now, or you can throw up for four years,” but secretly I’m afraid it won’t be true. . .

  4. You can throw up now, or you can throw up for four years
    Oh, that is a most righteous slogan, Kate!

  5. Kate P says:

    Little did I know there was a running joke starting up in one of my comboxes about “losing your cookies” at the same time! I’ll have to see what “your son” thinks of it.

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