Damn, I Thought It Was The Green Ones That Were Special

Hmm, there’s something about the color blue

(CNN) — The same blue food dye found in M&Ms and Gatorade could be used to reduce damage caused by spine injuries, offering a better chance of recovery, according to new research.
Rats injected with BBG not only regained their mobility but temporarily turned blue.

Rats injected with BBG not only regained their mobility but temporarily turned blue.
Researchers at the University of Rochester Medical Center found that when they injected the compound Brilliant Blue G (BBG) into rats suffering spinal cord injuries, the rodents were able to walk again, albeit with a limp.

The only side effect was that the treated mice temporarily turned blue.

Mice able to walk for more than four hours may have a serious medical condition…

This does make one wonder, though: just what the heck else all these chemicals and dyes and additives are doing to you.

Mind you, as a life-long New Jersey resident they ain’t doing diddly to me.

9 Responses to “Damn, I Thought It Was The Green Ones That Were Special”

  1. Teresa says:

    I stay as far away from all of that as possible. One can’t avoid it totally, but I do my utmost.

    End result – the 3 times weekly migraines I was having for years have gone away. I get the occasional times when I have them now, but not nearly as often or as bad.

    I like that. Heh.

  2. nightfly says:

    Heh, if I break something in one of my games, will I just be able to shrug it off?

  3. Cullen says:

    How many Smurfs must die so that our mice can walk?

  4. Julie says:

    In Girl Scouts, we used to tell the younger girls that green M&Ms made you pregnant. That way, there’d always be some left in the bowl… 🙂

  5. Dave E. says:

    Brilliant Blue G. Sounds like something Billy Mays used to sell.

  6. JeffS says:

    Yet another reason to eat M&Ms……

  7. Kate P says:

    Brilliant Blue G also sounds like a club drug. Um, not that I’d know anything about that.

  8. RebeccaH says:

    So Obama was right about taking the blue pill instead of the red one?

  9. Gary from Jersey says:

    Good. NOw I can eat M&Ms and still wreck my car.

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