Damn You Chimpy!

Now you’ve stolen our Summer!

According to Long Range Expert Joe Bastardi, areas from the northern Plains into the Northeast will have a “year without a summer.” The jet stream, which is suppressed abnormally south this spring, is also suppressing the number of thunderstorms that can form. The ones that do form in areas of the Ohio Valley and West are forming in places with very cold temperatures, which can lead to more electrified thunderstorms than normal this year.

Global Warming: It’s Real.*
* but on Mars, not Earth.

3 Responses to “Damn You Chimpy!”

  1. Dave E. says:

    Temps and rain have been below normal here in MN, that’s for sure. It’s 48° this morning and we have yet to have even one severe thunderstorm watch let alone a warning this spring. That may not be unprecedented, but it’s very unusual.
    For all that we have learned about climate in the last 20 years, I think we still don’t know jack. The science is not settled, and instituting a carbon tax based on that limited knowledge and a bunch of deeply flawed computer models is insane.

  2. Gunslinger says:

    Good. I can keep my air conditioner in the closet and not have to swelter at work this year.

  3. Gunslinger says:

    Good. I can keep my air conditioner in the closet and not have to swelter at work this year.

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