First Hateful Conspiracy Question of 2013

Does anyone else have a sneaky suspicion Hilary’s clot might be one of those guys trying to bust out in confident song?

I know, I know ~ inexcusable.

But now YOU’RE wondering, too, right?

4 Responses to “First Hateful Conspiracy Question of 2013”

  1. I don’t wonder. I know 😉

  2. Kathy Kinsley says:


    No. Actually no, no, no. Hillary’s a past master at duck and cover – but I don’t think this time. She’s not that dumb. However, that was a very funny video.

  3. Kathy Kinsley says:

    And totally and comPLETELY off-topic. We’ve lost another of those who=knows-or-cares about their politics artists.”Patti Page.

    The more things change the more they stay the same….. (just check any ‘help’ website to hear the same lament, albeit much less tuneful).

  4. nightfly says:

    Another reason why I couldn’t sell cars for a living – if one of those “confidences” popped out of someone’s back or hair, I would shriek “AHHHHHH THE THING IS BUYING A CAR” and run for my life.

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