Gaia Gives Earth Day…
…the cold shoulder
So much for global warming. Earth Day festivities went ahead despite the blast of frigid weather yesterday.
Vendors and presenters from various eco-friendly groups, including Bullfrog Power, CO2 Reduction Edmonton and the local solar energy society, crammed into a lone tent in Hawrelak Park after a blizzard forced them to abandon their original locations.
Current conditions in Edmonton: Light snow, -11 °C
Global Warmencooling!
Blame CANADA!!
So usually when a blizzard happens, they make jokes about “blizzard babies” that arrive afterwards. Will there be “Earth Day babies”? That would be kinda funny.
Mr. B, your link goes to the story about the American pastor “smuggling” ammo into Russia.
But I’d like to comment that we had snow showers around here last weekend. I spent most of the time outside, working in a local bike race. I wanted to call up the PM for British Columbia, or even the Yukon, and vent my spleen upon them. BRRRRRR!!!!!
Argh, that’s because all the snow has frozen my brain, Jeff!
fixed, thanks.
BTW, it frackin’ SNOWED here today. Not much, and it didn’t stick, but it still frackin’ SNOWED.
Damn you, Al Gore!! DAMN YOU! DAMN YOU TO HELL!!!!!!
That’s why they call it “climate change” now. This way, no matter what happens they’re right.