Going Down Kicking and Screaming and Making Excuses

But going down none the less.

The truth? Obama told a whopper

I don’t feel good about calling out the president’s whopper, since I support most of his policies and programs. But in this instance, he would have to be delusional to think he was telling the truth.

5 Responses to “Going Down Kicking and Screaming and Making Excuses”

  1. Kathy Kinsley says:

    JeffS, I saw that one. Megan hit the nail right on the head. With a sledgehammer.

  2. Crusader says:

    But he uses so much crap-weasel language in that article. How pray tell does higher taxes stimulate the economy? The author is butt hurt because his messiah has been caught in a lie.

  3. Syd B. says:

    Rob Ford – Toronto’s mayor a born liar

    king Obama – a born liar

    Rob Ford Not an American and admits to smoking crack

    King Obama – the same

    “I need f—ing 10 minutes to make sure he’s dead.” – Rob Ford

    I’m “really good at killing people” – Barack Obama

  4. JeffS says:

    The author is butt hurt because his messiah has been caught in a lie.

    The tone was indeed quite whiney, Crusader. Poor widdle leftie, upset that his God has feet of clay…..

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