Happy Birthday THS!

Oldest Bestest Sister Ever!

(note-THS is the one on the left)

We shall raise many Dunkin’ Donuts in your honor!

25 Responses to “Happy Birthday THS!”

  1. JeffS says:

    Happy Birthday, Sis!!!!

  2. kcruella101 says:

    Happy Birthdat!! Have a fun drive

  3. Rob says:

    Happy, Happy, ths. πŸ™‚

  4. Ebola says:

    Happy birthday Momma! …Now help me pack my shit, yo! πŸ˜›

    The Boy

  5. Bill N says:

    Happy Birtday THS! I Hope you have many more.

  6. Donna D. says:

    Happy B-day, THS and many more! Safe trip with Ebola!

  7. Ave says:

    Hi THS, I send you a big Happy BIrthday hug.

  8. Dave E. says:

    Happy Birthday, THS!

  9. tree hugging sister says:

    Oh, you alls so SCHWEET! Thanks, guys. I needses that! So far the day is holding true to its “Last Stand of the Alamo Defenders” ancestry. **sigh**

    Sound the deguello.

    We’d be packing (yes, STILL), schmaybe even rumbling down the highway, but it seems Budget gave us a faulty battery on teh 24′ truck…

  10. Gunslinger says:

    Happy Birthday!

  11. Julie says:

    Happy Birthday, Sis!

  12. Dr Alice says:

    Happy birthday THS, and good luck with that truck.

  13. gregor says:

    Happy Birthday to the sister of the swilling!

  14. tree hugging sister says:

    DATELINE SUNDAY NIGHT: STILL in Pensacola, thanks to BUDGET. Ebola gets to drive THEIR broken truck to a repair facility tomorrow before they’ll authorize a different vehicle. FOUR wasted days, thank you BUDGET and he has to report FRIDAY. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO me. πŸ™‚

    THANK YOU, GUYS!!!! At least we have YOU all to whine to!!!

  15. Larry says:

    Happy B-Day, and next time maybe use Ryder?

  16. Rob says:

    You gonna lay over in New Orleans for the Mardi Gras? πŸ™‚

  17. Kate P says:

    Happy b-day, THS!

    (A huge booooo to that truck, though. Safe travels.)

  18. Yojimbo says:

    Happy belated birthday wishes. Warm and sunny in the Old Peeweblo. Mind the roads west of Las Cruces to the Arizona border, unless they repaved them with porkulus dinero.

  19. Gary from Jersey says:

    HBD. Charlie Sheen will be right over to fix that truck.

  20. tree hugging sister says:

    Trust me, Charlie Sheen runs BUDGET TRUCK’s Roadside ASSistance Program Training Center.

    I’m typing this AT HOME, on MY ‘puter in PENSACOLA…since we’re not driving our PIECE OF SHIT BUDGET TRUCK to Tucson.

    And poor Ebola has purchased an airline ticket and will have neither his things nor his wheels with him when he hits town, thanks to the complete incompetents at BUDGET TRUCKS, who took THREE DAYS of our time before conceding defeat, instead of just finding us another truck.

    Do you sense a post coming…?

  21. JeffS says:

    Do you sense a post coming…?

    Referencing a firm letter of complaint to Budget, I trust.

  22. nightfly says:

    Well, happy belated anyways, Ms. Sister.

  23. tree hugging sister says:

    Thanks, Diptera. My birthdays are always disasters, anyways. I just hadn’t meant to share it with Ebola… πŸ™

  24. Yojimbo says:

    Look on the bright side, you get to count backwards one more year.:)

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