Hey Hey Ho Ho
Wall Street Dirt has got to go!
Just saw some Occupiers (oh, about 20) walking up Wall Street chanting that catchy little ditty, doing some light scrubbing of the sidewalk as they went.
They were shadowed very closely by the cops, and there are 6 mounted cops awaiting them closer to the Stock market.
I’ll put a little video up later.
So that’s what $100K in liberal art student loans gets you as far as poetry goes, huh?
They get a police escort, Sis! Only important people get those.
Art appreciation or peace and reconciliation studies. Maybe dead language studies.
For every student taking this drivel, there’s a parent who said “fine by me/us”.
The NY Post today says most of these poor deprived souls live in houses averaging $304,000, and many come from more upscale neighborhoods. Way to go, modern parents.
“For every student taking this drivel, there’s a parent who said “fine by me/us”.”
And there’s a guidance counselor/college adviser telling them to “follow your bliss”
lmfaooo I was there on a school trip I was chanting when those guys came sweeping through xD
Don’t know if you saw this… 99% indeed. http://news.yahoo.com/nyc-arrest-records-many-occupy-wall-street-protesters-045625415.html