I Didn’t Watch The SOTU Speech Last Night
Turns out I didn’t need to
as he’s given it several times before.
What a pathetic, simply pathetic “ruling class” we have.
Turns out I didn’t need to
as he’s given it several times before.
What a pathetic, simply pathetic “ruling class” we have.
Nanny State, People, Politics | Mr. Bingley | January 25, 2012 6:36 am
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After last night, the rules of the Obama Bingo drinking game have been altered. The new rules simply state: When Obama starts talking, start drinking.
Last night was the Super Bowl of bullshit, but this line from Obama redefines, “boldfaced”.
“I’m a Democrat, but I believe what Republican Abraham Lincoln believed: The government should do for people only what they cannot do better by themselves and no more.”
He should have been struck by lightning.
Syd, he believes that there is nothing people can do better by themselves.
Yes, if we can’t be trusted on light bulbs, just what can we be trusted with? These ae people that are smarter..on everything.
I could put up with the ruling class if they went way lighter on the ruling, and way heavier on the class.
The ruling class can shove their rulers up their collective posteriors.