I Need A Feckin’ Laugh Right Now

16 Responses to “I Need A Feckin’ Laugh Right Now”

  1. Jim - PRS says:

    That was feckin’ great,

  2. Clive says:

    Gold, Jerry, GOLD.

  3. JeffS says:


  4. Rob says:


  5. Rob says:

    My comments getting filtered?

  6. Rob says:

    My comments getting filtered from this email address?

  7. Rob says:

    Sorry about that. Seems to be working now, Mr B. Delete these two.

  8. Dave E. says:

    That’s a good one. I’m guessing that’s a shot at Ryan Air. You should hear my British BIL when I get him started on that airline.

  9. Kate P says:

    That was fun!

  10. Donna D. says:

    Loved it!

  11. nightfly says:

    I daresay the spirit of Pope and Swift still moves in the Auld Country. Now if it would move them to act instead of just, well, act (and sing), there’d be less to let loose on.

  12. Syd B; says:

    Who doesn’t need a laugh these days? Pretty soon, laughter is all we’ll have left.


  13. […] Mr. Bingley, who’s had a lot of fecking […]

  14. […] Mr. Bingley, who’s had a lot of fecking […]

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