If You’re In Favor Of Smaller Government

And also in favor of the radical idea of spending no more than you have, you, my friend, are a hick racist Son-Of-The-Confederacy

Today’s Tea Party movement is merely the latest of a series of attacks on American democracy by the white Southern minority, which for more than two centuries has not hesitated to paralyze, sabotage or, in the case of the Civil War, destroy American democracy in order to get their way.

The mainstream media have completely missed the story…

Well, perhaps because it’s COMPLETELY BATSHIT LOONY.

But I will give them credit for for weaving the phrase “white Southern diasporas” into the article.

Update: Now this is rich

The impeachment of their fellow Southerner Bill Clinton was an attempted coup d’état by the Southern white minority in the United States, which, as in 1860, was frustrated because its candidate lost the presidential election.

Get that? The candidate of the racist Southern White Minority was…George H. W. Bush.

The guy who was born in Massachusetts who lost his re-election bid because he raised taxes. You know, like those Tea Party Diasporians demanded.

Oh wait.

Or Bob “Viagra” Dole?

12 Responses to “If You’re In Favor Of Smaller Government”

  1. JeffS says:

    Nice to know I’m a member of a campaign to destroy democracy by supporting the democratic process.

  2. Mr. Bingley says:

    How can you live with yourself, you, you, cur!

  3. JeffS says:

    I cling to God and my guns, sir.

  4. major dad says:

    Don’t forget the ammunition Jeff! Got have ammo, lot’s of ammo…

  5. major dad says:

    Make that “got to have”.

  6. JeffS says:

    Down went the gunner, a bullet was his fate
    Down went the gunner, then the gunners mate
    Up jumped the sky pilot, gave the boys a look
    And manned the gun himself as he laid aside The Book, shouting

    Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!
    Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!
    Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition and we’ll all stay free!

    Praise the Lord and swing into position!
    Can’t afford to sit around and wishin’
    Praise the Lord we’re all between perdition
    and the deep blue sea!

    Yes the sky pilot said it
    You’ve got to give him credit
    for a son – of – gun – of – a – gunner was he,

    Praise the Lord we’re on a mighty mission!
    All aboard, we’re not a – goin’ fishin;
    Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition and we’ll all stay free!

  7. JeffS says:

    I thought a song would help lighten the mood, ‘cuz it’s needed.

    But worry not, Major Dad. I spent too many years working with loggies not to appreciate logistics. Beans and bullets, that’s what makes armies go.

  8. Yojimbo says:

    Maybe he is just confused since Wisconsin union violence is what democracy looks like to him.

  9. JeffS says:

    Make that LOTS of ammunition.

    It’s not the military I’m concerned about. It’s the nutcases that listen to the Lame Stream Media.

  10. aelfheld says:

    Democrats in 1860: Slavery forever!

    Democrats in 2011: Spending forever!

  11. Kathy Kinsley says:

    Democrats in 1860: Slavery forever!

    Democrats in 2011: Debt Slavery forever!


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