In All Honesty, I Can See $5 For a Nathan’s Dog


• $9.50 for Budweiser on tap.
• $10.50 for Foster’s beer on tap.
• $5.75 for a box of Cracker Jacks.
• $8 for Italian sausage.
• $5 for a Nathan’s hot dog.

Not even for my boys would I spend that.

6 Responses to “In All Honesty, I Can See $5 For a Nathan’s Dog”

  1. Mr. Bingley says:

    Ticket prices will get even crazier next season in the new ballpark: For example, a seat that today costs $250 will go for $850 in the new Stadium. That’s for one game!
    $850. They can go to hell.

  2. Dave E. says:

    Sorry, but it’s just not possible to spend $9.50 for a tap Bud and still retain any shred of human dignity. And $850 per game for a seat? What, the new stadium has a Spitzer section?

  3. The_Real_JeffS says:

    What, the new stadium has a Spitzer section?
    At those prices, one would hope the seat comes with personal “servants”.

  4. Gunslinger says:

    $9.50 for a keg of Budweiser is overpriced. I’ll bet the headache that accompanies drinking Bud is still free though.

  5. Gunslinger says:

    $9.50 for a keg of Budweiser is overpriced. I’ll bet the headache that accompanies drinking Bud is still free though.

  6. Kcruella says:

    Will the Yankees be refunding any cash after the sorry performance over the weekend? Sorry, but I held my tongue all day around the Yankee fans I work with. Shea is not much better, 8.00 for a beer, hot dogs 4.25-6.00. I think the Bubba burgers were going for 9.00. Last season my sister spent 9.00 for a Corona and they didn;t even have a lime for it.

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