It Wasn’t Me
That’s all I’m saying
STRATFORD, Conn. (AP) — Police in Stratford say they’ve charged a man with burglary and disorderly conduct after he allegedly wandered into a neighbor’s home, stripped off his clothes and fell asleep in a 6-year-old’s bed.
Twenty-six-year-old Teddy Brisseaux was arrested early Sunday after a child in a house a block from Brisseaux’s woke his parents to tell them a man was asleep in his bed [Connecticut Post]. When officers arrived, the residents were screaming for help from a second-floor window.
Officers say Brisseaux’s clothes, which smelled of urine and alcohol, had been dropped on the floor. They say Brisseaux admitted drinking at a New Haven club but denied he was in the wrong house.
That’s why I only drink at home.
I wonder if he’s a second or third cousin to the Kennedy clan.
You’re posting a lot about drunk and naked men wandering around town, Bingster. Wazzup wit dat?
What’s that story about the
three little bears? One bed was
too soft,one bed was just right.
U’rine in my bed!
Kinda feel sorry for the poor drunk guy.
speaking of drunks….
Ted “what bridge?” Kennedy has died.