Just got home from a GOP event here in Norf Cackalackie…

for Fred Smith, who is trying to be the GOP candidate for ‘guvner, and all I can say is: The CAG has been instructed to never again sit us at the table with any life forms wearing a Ron Paul ’08 sticker or pin. Ye gawds, the Paulnuts/Ronulins are even worse in person. 2 people in the whole room with Ron pins, and I get stuck next to and across from them both. I now have a nasty scar on my wrist from the dull butter knife that I was trying to slit my wrist with.

11 Responses to “Just got home from a GOP event here in Norf Cackalackie…”

  1. You got stuck at a table with TWO Ronulans?
    Oh man. I want to slit my wrists just thinking about it.

  2. Mr. Bingley says:

    Oh gawd, how horrible.
    Did you manage to tape record any of it?

  3. NJ Sue says:

    At work today someone stuffed all the faculty mailboxes with Ron Paul flyers. It’s the physical equivalent of email spam. His supporters are uniting the world–in annoyance of their antics.

  4. The_Real_JeffS says:

    Oi! My condolences, Crusader. I’ve actively avoided the Paulbots; there are more than a few around here, and they started campaigning at least 1 year ago.
    Maybe Sis can send you a bottle of wine for your troubles?

  5. The_Real_JeffS says:

    Oi! My condolences, Crusader. I’ve actively avoided the Paulbots; there are more than a few around here, and they started campaigning at least 1 year ago.

  6. The_Real_JeffS says:

    Rats, I posted twice……ignore the first one, please, I thought I’d erased the last sentence.

  7. mojo says:

    You didn’t try and be polite to the idjits, did you? Because that just plays into their game.
    Get in their faces right away. Be nasty and sarcastic about their insane leader. Make faces.

  8. memomachine says:

    You actually can have a lot of fun with them. Just point out Ron Paul’s association with Stormfront. It’s a white power group.
    That freaks out Paulians like nothing you’ve ever seen in your life. One guy was so pissed off he had spittle coming out.

  9. Man, you get to go to all the good stuff.

  10. Crusader says:

    Actuslly, I just listened, as attacking them seems to feed their complex. And I did not dare even mention Stormfront, as I think one of the clowns would have found that to be a good thing, iffin’ ya catch my drift. Yeesh. fred Smith was very well spoken, will vote for him if he makes it, and I am stil in the state by then. Otherwise I’ll be hunting for an (R) to support in Mizzora…….

  11. spot_the_dog says:

    I don’t suppose either of the Ron Paul groupies looked like this? That would have at least been interesting… 😉

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