Mortimer Says He’s Up to His Turtle A$$ Sick of Labradorks, Tarballs, Scotties

…and the frickin’ sh*tty weather.
Now where’s his watermelon and slice o’ doggie chub?


8 Responses to “Mortimer Says He’s Up to His Turtle A$$ Sick of Labradorks, Tarballs, Scotties”

  1. Greg Newsom says:

    I love turtles,had one for seven years.They seem to know the truth..

  2. JeffS says:

    Tell Mortimer to behave…..or else.

  3. Ave says:

    Lovely to meet you Morimer, what a handsome guy!

  4. Ave says:

    Well that was supposed to be “Mortimer.” That “A” in high school typing is not showing this morning. The “C” I got in Bowling at St. Olaf still shows.

  5. Mr. Bingley says:

    Say hello to my soup pot, Mortimer…

  6. nightfly says:

    Seven seconds later, Ms Sister realized that this was a replica of Mortimer, who was busily trying to escape his enclosure in a hot-air balloon piloted by a buxom accomplice.

  7. Kate P says:

    Where does Mortimer keep all those quarters to put in the swear jar?

  8. Dr Alice says:

    What a cutie! Give him some lettuce and a Valium. It’ll be all right, Mortimer.

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