Mr. “I-Found-Titanic-First”…
is awfully cranky when someone else goes swimming around his ship:
Explorer Robert Ballard found the bulk of the wreck in 1985, at a depth of 13,000 feet and about 380 miles southeast of Newfoundland. Ballard was not impressed with the expedition’s find.
“They found a fragment, big deal,” Ballard said. “Am I surprised? No. When you go down there, there’s stuff all over the place. It hit an iceberg and it sank. Get over it.”
Cat fight!
Hell hath no fury like…
I’ve met the dude in person, and he seems awfully impressed with himself. Not like any other academics I know….
Maybe they forgot to print the “nyah-nyanyah-nyahnyah-nyah” that you know came after his statement.
Back when Hayden was OBSESSED with the Titanic, my mom bought him a book about shipwrecks. I was reading it when I realized that it was really about book aboud ROBERT BALLARD and shipwrecks. Written by Robert Ballard!
I was all, “Dude. OTHER people have found ships too, right? Right?”
About the only thing I enjoyed about “Titanic” when I saw it was David Warner bein’ evil again. Then the Angry Alien “As Told By Bunnies” riff made it two things.
I can make it three – the guy on the boat in the beginning of the film is, apparently, based on Robert Ballard. Heheheheheh.
I saw him on tv a couple of days ago. He seems so whiney and childish.
Ballard was the graduation speaker at my place of employment a couple of years ago. I don’t remember a single word. Jon Bon Jovi, another great intellectual tapped by my academic superiors to inspire the graduates, was a much better public speaker.