Never Have I Been So Grateful for the Courage of So Few


Send some warm, warm thoughts to your fellow red, white and bluers on the front lines in Afghanistan and still patrolling streets in Iraq as well, will ya?

My sentiments are as true for them as for our forefathers and, to coin a phrase, “ain’t that America?”

How lucky are we?

One Response to “Never Have I Been So Grateful for the Courage of So Few”

  1. Syd says:

    I thank my son and those of his friends that werent’ so fortunate.

    My son did two tours in Afghanistan, during which he witnessed the death of 4 friends. The last one died from injuries from a sniper shot and he took his last breath in my son’s arms. Now, Ryan is back home, registered in school again and has a wonderful girlfriend who makes him feel special. Today and everyday, I think of those families, mostly other parents whose son was just as wonderful as mine, but didn’t come home.

    War is terrible and for those young men and women who put everything on the line so that the rest of us can live as we do, we owe nothing less than the utmost respect and admiration. God Bless every one of them.

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