One Place That Didn’t Get Looted In The UK

Any guesses why?

13 Responses to “One Place That Didn’t Get Looted In The UK”

  1. JeffS says:

    Because the residents offered the yobs cookies and milk, and hugged everyone?

  2. tree hugging sister says:

    I love the way the Daily Mail Puts it (‘water cannons’):

    They are also used in Europe today by countries such as France and Germany but have a history of being used repressively.

    If I were a regular British citizen I’d be damned tempted to take a coke bottle filled with rage to Parliment right about now and let THEM find a water hose to put out the flames, since they couldn’t be bothered to save my house or livelihood for fear of bruising or repressing these “feral rats”, at the expense of those who pay for the food in their obviously well filled bellies, and the hoodies they pull over their pinheads.

  3. major dad says:

    Just like L.A. during the riots, nobody messed with the Korean merchants, they were armed to the teeth.

  4. Ave says:

    I wonder how many looters will end up in the hospital with serious injuries from archery equipment formerly stored in the basement and homemade Molotov cocktails.

  5. Hm…can’t imagine why…


  6. aelfheld says:

    The turbans.

    It’s got to be the turbans.

  7. Ave says:

    Here we go folks – Mayor Boris Johnson just announced on BBC that citizens can use “reasonable force” to protect their communities.

  8. tree hugging sister says:

    Dashed decent of him, Ave! Good show!

  9. major dad says:

    Too bad reasonable force only means harsh language and baseball bats instead of 12 gauges and .45s…

  10. aelfheld says:

    So where does that leave those of us who think anything under 1 megaton is reasonable?

  11. […] One Place That Didn’t Get Looted In The UK. Situational Awareness: How Everyday Citizens Can Help Make a Nation Safe. […]

  12. […] One Place That Didn’t Get Looted In The UK. Situational Awareness: How Everyday Citizens Can Help Make a Nation Safe. Defend yourself and be a vigilante (h.t Instapundit). […]

  13. Ebola says:

    Sikh on this motherlickas!

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