Quite a Welcoming Committee Lining the Streets and Parking Lot
…when we got there. I’d had a bit of a heads up though ~ as we were leaving the house, my sweet boss called to tell me a couple hundred protestors had just marched by the shop on the way to the venue, so we should make sure we “Have a good time!”
Nimble-at-the-wheel major dad maneuvered through the bunch crowding both side and front of the driveway, I actually stayed non-combative, we got in and that was pretty much the last of it. (Paper said 300 and I’d say that or another 100, no more. But that’s a buttload for Pensacola.)
Governor Scott is a non-teleprompter, few notes, seat of his pants speaker, who is endearing (yes, that’s the word) in the extreme and we enjoyed his speech immensely. Afterward, major dad asked at everyone sitting at our table, “Was there anything you could argue about in that?” Not a thing. And nothing different from what the man said the entire campaign. (I’ll have some specifics, but have to go to work now…)
Some Quotes:
“If we do this right, the rest of the world will have to follow us.”
“I can’t create a single job as governor. But I can create the kind of environment where businesses want to bring their jobs here.”
“I told Chris Christie he was doing a great job there in New Jersey, but no matter WHAT he did, he’d never get out from under those taxes and he’d always wish he was in Florida.”
“People in state government have to come to grips with spending on their special projects. At my first cabinet meeting, they wanted more funds for affordable housing. I said, “Affordable housing? The whole state’s on sale!””
“I was at the White House and asked the President, “How you do it? How do we fix unemployment and encourage new business in the United States, when we have the biggest deficit and the worst corporate taxes in the world? How do you do it?”He told me what employers care about is our education system.”
The Governor and major dad at a small reception before the main event.
Guess there wasn’t much stomach for sustained protest, because we left a smidge after 8 p.m. and there was one, lone, rumpled sign carrier forlornly scuffing his way home north along Palafox.
I went to the union rally in Tampa a for weeks ago. Took some intersecting pics. Poor attendance. One thing I noticed inyour list of protesters and the rally in Tampa is that the SEIU is a no-show. I wonder why they are not playing this time.
Forgive the spelling errors. Do in haste, repent in leasure.
“I actually stayed non-combative”
At the Tampa rally I was a mole. I found the stupiest signs and said. “That’s a great sign, the best sign here. May I take a picture of it?” I was so full of crap and they bought every bit if it.
Why is the zombie hugging daddy?! WHY?! 😉
Oh, that’s HILARIOUS, Spider. They do tend to preen on their cleverness, don’t they? Dolts had the street blocked, both sides of the dang driveway ~ sheesh. Whoop, whoop, whooping and the signs going up and down, so I couldn’t really read them. Some of the folks who got there later said it had thinned out to younger anarchist types, whose wild eyes (and really bad hair) frightened a couple of the younger girls. My boss did a circle of the block when he closed our little shop and said the same thing ~ that was about 6:15 or so.
He got me NEXT!!!!!!
I was in front of Hopjack’s when several of these idjits came shambling by with their signs. One lady began trying to hand out some 5″x7″ index cards promoting a pro-union perspective and I refused to accept one. She happily (while mouth breathing) laid several of the cards on the tables around me, while giggling maniacally.
I’d be concerned for my health, my friend! Did you wipe anywhere her breath landed down with alcohol? Or just imbibe enough to counter the ee-ville effects?
He told me what employers care about is our education system.”
Obama cherry picks his facts? Who knew?
“People in state government have to come to grips with spending on their special projects. At my first cabinet meeting, they wanted more funds for affordable housing. I said, “Affordable housing? The whole state’s on sale!””
Ouch. But the main reason I voted for him is that he does understand the problem.