Seafood Diet
There you are my Pretties, swimming in your primordial soup of olive oil, lime juice and red pepper flakes
A little freshly-cut Maple, courtesy of Irene
Now don’t y’all look cozy
Yes indeed.
Yes indeed.
There you are my Pretties, swimming in your primordial soup of olive oil, lime juice and red pepper flakes
A little freshly-cut Maple, courtesy of Irene
Now don’t y’all look cozy
Yes indeed.
Yes indeed.
Swill Food and Grog | Mr. Bingley | September 13, 2011 6:16 am
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I’m glad that some good came out of Irene.
We did scallops last night and my ribs…
Your ribs, Major Dad? Isn’t that a trifle cannibalistic?
Ribs sound very very yum.
You really need a grilling basket. You don’t want to rick losing a tasty morsel to the briquets 😉
“Courtesy of Irene”… I knew sooner or later that one of these storms was going to rain marine life upon us like some apocalyptic warning.
(Guess I should have left that recycling tub out in the back like I wanted too. Darn it.)
Oh great, now my growling stomach has gone into overdrive.