
It’s the past participle of “butt particle” right?

Then she thought shat if you aimed an infrared light at the tumors to melt the polymer and release the medicine, thus killing the cancer cells while leaving healthy cells completely unharmed.

CBS News: The Professionals.

Via Insty.

7 Responses to “Shat!”

  1. Mr. Bingley says:

    Maybe the proper editing should be

    “Then she thought shat! if you aimed an infrared light at the tumors to melt the polymer and release the medicine, thus killing the cancer cells while leaving healthy cells completely unharmed.”

    or some such.

  2. Chancy girl says:

    Makes me think of James Burke’s “Connections” series on TV. Wonderful!

  3. Yojimbo says:

    And there is no truth to the rumor that the Yojimbo is now writing copy for CBS.

  4. Ebola says:

    Just saying, saw a report on him six or seven years ago on 60 minutes. Looks like she did too, honestly. ::eyebrow::

  5. Greg Newson says:

    Ebola:awesome memory;Kudos for your knowledge.I bend my knees and bow down.This story about the 17 year-old is just the
    New world order media making believe that traditional knowledge has been supplanted by Ipod and Apple knowledge.I wish it were true ,though.She lives about ten miles from me.

  6. tree hugging sister says:

    She’s the most adorable little thing, too. I hope she stays that way. Like Kanzius (I remember watching that with Ebola well), who was just a fabulous human being, bless his BIG, wonderful heart.

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