Spam Of The Day
If y’all don’t hear from me for awhile this is why
I think i’m interested in you. Contact me on my email I will want to you to come down to Nigeria for more discussion.
Opportunities like this are not to be passed up.
If y’all don’t hear from me for awhile this is why
I think i’m interested in you. Contact me on my email I will want to you to come down to Nigeria for more discussion.
Opportunities like this are not to be passed up.
Fun | Mr. Bingley | November 6, 2011 7:24 am
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While you’re there, could you check on the status of my “wire transfer”? There still seems to be slight hitch in the giddyup. I’m somewhat worried despite their assurances that all the money that left my account was simply a mistake.
Don’t forget to bring your clubs.
First Wisconsin, now Nigeria. What’s next, California?
Take some extra suitcases; you’ll need them to haul all that cash back.
Don’t forget to check out the local sketch comedy artists during your visit.
The dollar signs are dancing cartoon-like before my eyes.
Does Mrs. Bingley know about this??
“Ah, good of you to come. We can now discuss-ignore the crocodile and the guy with the AK 47.”
Oh, I got that one, too.
Group rate!