“That Is What the Average Punter Wants.”
Here. Let me help you with that:
A vicar is to apply for a drinks licence so he can sell wine and beer at his small village church.
The Reverend Geraint ap Iorwerth could be made licensee of St Peter ad Vincula Church in Pennal, near Machynlleth, close to the Powys-Gwynedd border.
He joked that there were plans to serve more than just spirits, though, with lager and wine on the menu too.
Oh, and a punster, too, God love ‘im!! (Of course, you’d have to be half in the bag just to read that second line correctly.)
Praise ‘n raise ~ it might just catch on. The Reverend’s a pretty cutting edge guy himself.
And a tip o’ the warm Swill cup to al dente for the find.