There’s No Forest Here Folks; Ignore All Those Trees

What else can one think about these dishonest creatures we have running our state here in New Jersey? Lawhawk has an excellent post up on the gyrations that Corzine et al go through to avoid addressing the key issue: if the existing immigration laws had been followed those 3 Newark residents, citizens, by the way, would still be alive today. Full stop. End of story. We don’t need new gun control legislation, we don’t need any new legislation. We simply need to enforce the laws that are on the books.
But I guess that’s a bit much to expect from our Governor and Senators.

4 Responses to “There’s No Forest Here Folks; Ignore All Those Trees”

  1. RebeccaH says:

    we don’t need any new legislation. We simply need to enforce the laws that are on the books.

  2. nightfly says:

    Can’t win new votes by just doing one’s job, now can ya? Gotta pass new laws so people think you’re doing something to fix things. Then, when your eight years are up and things are worse, you don’t have to face the music, especially if you blame the incoming party for the mess you created.

  3. The_Real_JeffS says:

    I guess it’s easier to point to legistlative voting records than it is to point out improvements in our lives. Lazy bastards.

  4. Kcruella says:

    The mayor of Newark has been quoted in today’s paper that it is not the job of his police dept to assist immigration authorities. Newark also considers itself a “sanctuary” city for illegal immigrants.

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