This Just Perfectly Sums Up The State Of Our Nation, Doesn’t It?

The Martin Luther King Memorial.

Made in China.

UPDATE: More a monument than you might remember…

The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s family has charged the foundation building a monument to the civil-rights leader on the National Mall about $800,000 to use his words and image — and at least one scholar thinks that Dr. King would find such an arrangement offensive.

…I don’t think the Jefferson family, the Lincoln family [or] any other group of family ancestors has been paid a licensing fee for a memorial in Washington,” said Cambridge University historian David Garrow, author of a Pulitzer Prize-winning biography of Dr. King. “. . . [He would’ve been] absolutely scandalized.”

4 Responses to “This Just Perfectly Sums Up The State Of Our Nation, Doesn’t It?”

  1. major dad says:

    It looks it too.

  2. Skyler says:

    His entire legacy is a shake-down machine. Why would he object?

  3. Larry says:

    Why bother building it then?

  4. Looks like Han Solo in carbonite. WTF??

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