WARNING: Put Your Coffee Cup Down and SWALLOW Before You Read Any Further

Or you’ll ruin a perfectly good screen.

… Late last night Obama (via his campaign account, @BarackObama) tweeted a photo of himself looking skyward, with a quote from himself: ” ‘Same-sex couples should be able to get married.’–President Obama.” The text of the tweet read simply: “History.”

If he could govern 1/32 as well as he can pose, we wouldn’t be in 1/2 the bad shape we’re in.

What a worthless POS.

2 Responses to “WARNING: Put Your Coffee Cup Down and SWALLOW Before You Read Any Further”

  1. Gary from Jersey says:

    Where’s the halo?

  2. aelfheld says:

    A friend noted that at least he’s finally making Michelle an honest “woman”.

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