Well, I’ll Be a Monkey’s Uncle Aunt
Did you know that “administrative earmarks” spiked when they were trying to get ObamaCare passed? Almost like the White House was trying to PAY PEOPLE OFF for their votes or something…
Morning Bell: ‘Buying’ House Votes for Unpopular Legislation
An examination of “administrative earmarks” around the time of congressional votes on key pieces of President Obama’s agenda suggests the White House used its power to fund local projects as a means to “buy” votes for major legislative efforts.
Administrative earmarking refers to the federal government’s allocation of funds from its discretionary budget for specific projects. The practice is less transparent than legislative earmarking, since, according to the Congressional Research Service, “[t]here is no source that defines and comprehensively identifies Administrative earmarks.”
But an analysis of grants from agencies during the early years of the Obama administration shows that the districts of moderate Democrats, whose support was so crucial for Obama during the 111th Congress, received large sums right around the passage of three key pieces of legislation: Obamacare, Dodd-Frank financial regulations, and the cap-and-trade bill.
Lachlan’s got a great chart to go with his article, not to mention lists of who got how much. Awkward that.
That we don’t respond with pyres of korans is to our shame.
Well, they’ve apparently pulled them out of the fire in the ‘Stan, so I think we have a few to spare.
But it’s the nerves that are lacking.
We obviously don’t put enough of our politicians in jail.
Is is just me, or is there something particularly obscene about using my tax dollars to ensure that I am made an indentured servant?
Sorry, I posted o. The wrong thread.
iPad is messing up my typing, too!