What Media Bias?

The AP openly shills for the Democrats

WASHINGTON – The public panned it. Republicans obstructed it. Many Democrats fled from it. Even so, the session of Congress now drawing to a close was the most productive in nearly half a century.

Not since the explosive years of the civil rights movement and the hard-fought debut of government-supported health care for the elderly and poor have so many big things — love them or hate them — been done so quickly.

And that’s exactly the problem. Trillions have been hurriedly spent with little oversight, trillion-dollar entitlement programs have been passed before they were read, massive amounts of debt have been piled on our backs.


2 Responses to “What Media Bias?”

  1. nightfly says:

    Even so, the session of Congress now drawing to a close was the most productive in nearly half a century.

    Maybe… but all they produced was a steaming turd smorgasbord. So many varieties – and all so unappealing.

  2. major dad says:

    Hey, all we did was produce crap, but we did it quickly! Yeah that’s the ticket!

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