Yeah, That’d Be Us

Napolitano: No “Logic” In Profiling Muslim Men Under The Age Of 35

In “the best of hands”.

UPDATE: Just for shits and giggles, and JUST from teh headlines that Gabriel Malor is dumping on Twitter toDAY, grab yourself a quick peek at some religions/ages trends, would ya?

Here and here. And THESE are Americans, mind you. Can’t imagine what “non-MUSLIM folks OVER THE AGE OF 35” who are REALLY PISSED at us are planning.

6 Responses to “Yeah, That’d Be Us”

  1. aelfheld says:

    “[…] not Muslim, but Islamic […]”


  2. Dave E. says:

    I agree, aelfheld. And I bet she, and pretty much each of her defenders for that matter, thinks GW was stupid.

  3. Gunslinger says:

    But of course. That would eat up time and resources better spent strip searching toddlers,


    Somebody please give that dumbass the hook already!

  4. Mr. Bingley says:

    Hey, Guns, let me tell ya, some of the stuff toddlers carry in their diapers can do a LOT of damage!

  5. tree hugging sister says:

    Weapons of noxious destruction.

  6. Gunslinger says:

    “some of the stuff toddlers carry in their diapers can do a LOT of damage!”

    Napolitano deserves a facefull of that payload.

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