Yes, It’s THAT Day of the Year…Again

As it’s been many, MANY YEARS before and will be in the future. It’s…




And there was much rejoicing.

10 Responses to “Yes, It’s THAT Day of the Year…Again”

  1. Mr. Bingley says:


  2. Cripes Suzette says:

    Happy birthday, Bingley. Isn’t this about the time of year when you bring heavy snowfall down on central NJ? What a way to celebrate!

  3. gregor says:

    Happy Birthday, Bing!

  4. aelfheld says:


  5. Mr. Bingley says:

    Thanks! I would lurve some snow!!!

  6. nightfly says:

    I’m loving the ‘stache, my brother. Happy Birthday!

  7. Kathy Kinsley says:

    Happy Birthday, Mr. Bingley, and many happy returns of the day!

  8. Gunslinger says:

    Just substitute “Mr. Bingley” for “Kevin”…

  9. JeffS says:

    Happy birthday!

  10. Syd B. says:

    I can’t believe a year has gone by since we last wished you Happy Birthday. At your age, you’re probably noticing that some body regions are getting tighter, while others are… uh, not. You best keep both in mind, going forward.

    Happy Birthday, old man.

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