
Despite his weakened health Cheney’s tongue is as sharp as ever

Cheney, who (unlike Mr. Bush) has been a vocal critic of President Obama, also took a shot at the current administration. Speaking of his expectation that construction would move quickly on the presidential center following the groundbreaking, Cheney quipped that “this may be the only shovel ready project in America.” The reference was to the Obama-supported stimulus package that Republicans have criticized as ineffective. (perhaps because it, er, um, has been completely useless)

I admit it. I giggled.

One Response to “Zing!”

  1. Syd B. says:

    Want another giggle?

    From GWB’s book: Bush writes of a visit to Russia years ago. Then President Putin showed President Bush, an avowed dog lover, his own beloved black Labrador retriever, Koni. Putin apparently said, “Bigger and stronger than Barney,” which was President Bush’s dog. Having told this story to Canada’s Prime Stephen Minister Harper, Mr. Harper said, “You’re lucky he only showed you his dog.” Bush recounts he and Harper having a good laugh over that. I had forgotten how good friends Bush and Harper were.

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