Does This Platform Make My Train Look Fat?
France spends $20 billion dollars on new trains…that don’t fit into the stations
French officials admitted this week that they may not have taken the most thorough measurements before writing a $20 billion check.
France’s national train operator, SNCF, admitted this week that it ordered the fleet of new trains without double-checking the measurements. Now, officials say, the new trains are just too big to fit through many of France’s regional train stations.
The All-Wise, All-Knowing government strikes again.
This like building a boat in your backyard, only to realize upon completion, that you had no way of getting it out. I wonder if that ever happened.
Syd, Noah had the advantage of the only accurate weather forecast known to man.
I wonder how you say “good enough for government work” in french?
Jethro Leroy Gibbs always got his boats out of his basement without a problem.
That’s a feature, not a bug. Now they can spend $40 billion on widening the stations. More government projects are good for politicians who like to be owed favors.
I’m with Skyler. It’s hard to believe that such a fundamental error was made unintentionally. The amount of re-tooling alone should have raised eyebrows.
But please note my “should have“. You just can’t eliminate stupidity from any equation involving humans.
Shall we taunt them? “I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!”
They tried to do it the California Way.