Today’s “Fun With Thucydides”

I share a passage that caused a good chuckle, waking major dad up in the process (?):

“…Arriving there first themselves [the Spartans], they prepared hauling machines to carry their ships across from Corinth to the sea on the side of Athens, in order to make their attack by land and sea at once. However, the zeal which they displayed was not imitated by the rest of the allies, who came in but slowly, being both engaged in harvesting their grain, and SICK OF MAKING EXPEDITIONS*…”

*my emphasis

Some things don’t change, n’est pas? When you’re over it, you’re OVER IT. And this was only Year 4 – the wars went on for 27 years. ?


That kinda sounds familiar, too…but not really funny.

Primary Night in NWFL

I’m not quite sure HOW this happened, BUT.

61.62% of local Democrats voted for a lying, sociopathic stalker to run for Congress.

She’s not so cute in her MULTIPLE mugshots.

Happy Burfday Crusader!!!

You know who you is and where you are.

And so do they…

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