I Can’t Access The Story

(it’s behind an Aussie paywall) but with a headline like this, I really don’t need to:

“Traumatic effect of beheading on boy who hid in house”

This Is The Funniest Thing You’ll Read All Week

Thanks to Ace, I will say up front I feel very sorry for this guy’s kids, it’s horrible what he’s put them through, but sweet baby Jeebus I swear it’s impossible to read through this without laughing out loud several times:

“The Most Gullible Man in Cambridge A Harvard Law professor who teaches a class on judgment wouldn’t seem like an obvious mark, would he? “

This Morning

…a couple years ago.

There Be Burgers

Just Saw The Movie “Yesterday”

It is excellent. Go see it.

That is all, for it’s beer and burger time now.

Happy Birthday, AMERICA!!!

The Fourth of July is the GREATEST HOLIDAY on the FACE OF THE EARTH.


This Is Beyond Pathetic

C-Ville will no longer celebrate Mr. Jefferson’s birthday.


CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — Charlottesville, Virginia, will no longer celebrate Thomas Jefferson’s birthday as an official city holiday and instead will observe a day recognizing the emancipation of enslaved African-Americans.
The city council voted Monday night to scrap the decades-old April 13 holiday honoring the slave-holding president and Founding Father. Charlottesville will now mark Liberation and Freedom Day on March 3, the day U.S. Army forces arrived in the city in 1865.

I’m really, really getting tired of this shit.

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