Fauci is a Monster
I have tried mightily this morning to avoid finding out exactly WHAT revolting, ghastly, and inhumane “experiments” Fauci’s – OUR – funding paid for, but sumBITCH if I didn’t inadvertently just come across it.
Damn his black soul.
Given the countless lives destroyed this past two years thanks to Fauci’s edicts: the irreparable harm done to our children, generations of families, the fabric of the nation. Like those God-forsaken puppies, this cretin has been given the power to put our nation in a metaphorical headlock, slide our fear-drugged freedoms into a sealed bubble, and, at whim, subject the citizens within to the voracious, ravenous appetite of the insatiable, capricious sand fleas of his monstrous ego. As the winds shift outside the lab, so must the blood flow inside to maintain the supremacy of whitest lab coat of them all.
When your neck is in the vice, your kicking eventually stops.
He is an entrenched evil who should have been frog-marched out YEARS ago. If it is the now exposed sadistic, worthless cruelty to innocent, helpless animals vice that to his fellow countrymen which FINALLY brings him down, so be it.
I will sing Hallelujah.
God bless the beagles.