But you’d be much better off carrying a union CARD.
…The Democrats’ other problem is that the usual populist line won’t fly. The party would like to be able to protect itself by saying that only those who now receive the most generous benefits will face taxes. Then again, the Americans who now have the Cadillacs (or, in these post-bailout-days, the Swedish sports car Koenigsegg CCXs) of health-care coverage are union workers. Union workers “would be stuck footing more of the bill than others,” says Paul Fronstin, a senior research associate with the Employee Benefit Research Institute.
This was the big gripe back when President George W. Bush first proposed rewriting the tax code to equalize the tax treatment of employer-provided and individually purchased health care (albeit as a means of creating a market-oriented system, rather than funding a federal entitlement). In Michigan, home of the once-mighty auto workers, Sen. Debbie Stabenow growled in 2007: “There are 160,000 people [in Michigan] with excellent health insurance plans . . . who for the first time would end up paying taxes on them.”
The attack against Mr. Wyden was an early shot across the Baucus-Obama bow, and it resonated. Mr. Baucus officially floated his plans for a tax this week, only with a surprising twist: His levy will not apply to union plans, at least for the duration of existing contracts. In other words, Mr. Baucus intends to tax the health-care benefits only of those who didn’t spend a fortune electing Democrats to office. Sen. Ted Kennedy, who is circulating his own health-care reform,
…has also included provisions that will exempt unions from certain provisions.
I thought we lived in the UNITED States and ALL shared the burden. I’m so naive.
In the age of hope and change, the only ones sharing the burden are the taxpayers who don’t have a card that says “UNITED” followed by “Auto Workers”, Steel Workers”, “Operating Engineers”, “Food and Commercial Workers”, “Laborers International”, or any such thing associated with bought and paid for Democratic voting blocks. The rest of us are chum and I don’t mean the “best friend” sense.
Obama’s given them Chrysler, he’s giving them GM and, any moment now, tax dollars courtesy of your “Cadillac” health benefits supporting Obama healthcare.
…Baucus said his proposal is likely to cap benefits at “a level higher than the actual benefit that members of Congress receive today.” An employer-provided plan worth less than that level [$13,000/yr per family of four] would remain tax-free, he said, while any benefit exceeding the cap would be taxed as ordinary income.
Such a tax, if adopted, would be phased in over “several years,” Baucus said. And it would be likely to “grandfather” in health benefits set as part of a collective-bargaining agreement, he said…
allowing union plans to remain tax-free
…until new contracts can be negotiated.
I despise this guy and his toadies more every day, to the point of choking on bile when his schmug appears, yet again, on the telly. Can anyone count the fuckin’ balls this guy has in the air at any given time? I know he’s hoping the ones that fall to earth won’t be noticed until they’re jammed so far down our throats we can’t breathe to bitch about the ones still suspended in flight.
Healthcare’s the flaming poopie torch on the right.