
Bebito ergo sum

As I’ve surely screwed things up here please contact me at mr_bingley “at” mac.com if you can’t get a comment published.

7 Responses to “About”

  1. Skyler says:

    I like the new format. But isn’t “bebito” Spanish, not Latin?

  2. Scott Plakon says:

    Good meeting you at P5!


    Scott Plakon

  3. Amy says:

    Completely unrelated, but what happened to Tree Hugging Sis on Twitter? I had thought she’d just been Twitmo’d temporarily, but her account is STILL suspended ?

  4. Syd Boyd says:

    Mr. B, THS, are you folks alright?

  5. tree hugging sister says:

    I was SQUASHED LIKE A BUG permanently, in spite of quite shamefully begging for forgiveness multiple times. WAAH!!!

  6. tree hugging sister says:

    We’re here, and I was just fixin’ to get rolling again. Been a tad unsettled but everyone’s fine, and thank YOU for asking!

    How ARE you, by the by?!

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