Category: 2D Amendment

Democrats United in Populist Messaging

Oh. Sorry.

I misspelled “COMMUNIST.”

President 81LOLm Votes stumbled into primetime last night (and major dad switched to the U.S. WOMEN’S OPEN FFS SAVE ME FROM THE APPEARENCES OF PRESIDENT PUDDIN’ HEAD), and promptly set about letting us ALL know we are bad people. Who have spent a couple centuries, now, blithely slumbering away under the false assumption that our “inalienable RIGHTS” were RIGHTS, when, in point of fact…NOT.

And, in point of fact, the geriatric dementia patient was only parroting what his malignant enablers have been spewing on the floor of the House all day long.

“Spare me the Constitutional bullshit.”

The outrageously outraged Democrat making this appeal to emotion doesn’t realize he’s stomped all over BOTH the Constitution, and every abortion argument the Left has ever come up with. The kids at Parkland, Uvalde, et al, were the victims of evil with guns, many illegally purchased, but in the womb? That “constitutional right to life” he’s heralding?



The legislative Idi Amin below is on a blustering roll – we’re gonna take them ALL, by ANY MEANS NECCESSARY .

“For the children” doesn’t cut it. If it meant ANYTHING, say, in Uvalde for example, DOORS WOULD HAVE BEEN LOCKED. COPS WOULD HAVE RUSHED IN AND SMOKED THE SUMBITCH.

Don’t tell me I killed those kids, when that town watched FOR YEARS as that very sick young man killed cats, harassed people repeatedly, threatened women online, and DID NOTHING. And to have some greasy, midget brained, Fang Fang Chinese spy banger run his mouth with holier than thou umbrage, images of those precious kids behind him as if he really cared about THEM?!

Gag. I want to take a shower.

The other tired trope? The “good guy with a gun is a myth” excuse. These sad Democrats can’t find a single one. Of course, their media accomplices make sure there are as few mentions of such phenomena as possible, so one could understand the confusion is not completely attributable to their collective tiny frontal cortexes.

Lucky for them I have a list of 315 times, in the past 3 years, that a good guy stopped something bad. You might also find it useful:

Shoot (giggle), there was one in WVa last week. Good GIRL with a gun.

A US woman has fatally shot a man who opened fire on a crowd of people with a semi-automatic rifle in Charleston, West Virginia.

Dennis Butler, a 37-year-old with an extensive criminal history, was killed after he targeted a group of around 40 people attending a birthday party.

Or THIS wonderful good guy with his barber’s gun…AND his barber:

Watch the quivering GOP jellyfish in the Senate very carefully over the course of the next few weeks. McConnell’s already shown his hand, and Sassy Susan Collins is making noises about how close they are to “bipartisan agreement.” That should chill any real American to their very marrow. As someone said, don’t EVEN be talking about touching my legal weapons until Hunter Biden gets charged for lying on his Federal Firearm Form.

Ned Ryan is right. They are swathing themselves in righteous Trudeau turbans, but there IS a truism at work here:

There is a reason those inalienable rights were enumerated, because, originally, they weren’t meant to be. Those who wrote the Constitution felt it said all that needed to be said, and all those things were enshrined already within the text.

“OH, NO, ” said the delegates. “We WANT THAT SHIT SPELLED OUT.

In case, you know, this whole “America” thing lasts, and somewhere down the line, someone gets the idea that what one citizen took for granted as his inalienable RIGHT, another citizen, or governing official, might point to the Constitution, and say “It doesn’t say that HERE…

They weren’t leaving anything to chance, having already been victims of governments who dispensed rights, as opposed to the inherent rights of men.

Thanks GOD they were on their games.

Tyrants to the Left of us, jokers to the right, here we are – stuck in the middle with…who?

We need to be on ours.

The Great Unifier

In point of fact, Puddin’ Head, ANYONE could own a cannon. Cost was a bit of an issue.

Keep running yer jibs, dude.

A Florida Man

…we can all get behind.

DAMN, I miss Kathy Kinsley right now.

When a Second Amendment Rally Attended by Tens of Thousands Goes HORRIBLY…


A story in pictures…


Good Guy With a Gun

Who also had tremendous presence of mind and marksmanship skills.

God bless him. As well as the other folks carrying, who come up shortly thereafter, providing additional security. No one is wigging out. No one is rushing, everyone is looking to the situation.

Our deepest sympathies to the victim, who merely answered a question before being murdered.

Bad guys will find a way, regardless. Good guys need to be there, ready to answer evil.

They always will be – if they are allowed to.

Filed Under: Why Is There a 2d Amendment, Mommy?

Exhibit A.

The Road To Hell

How the Government helped to pave it in Broward County

Broward County, Fla., school officials portray as a great success their Obama administration-inspired program offering counseling to students who break the law, instead of having them arrested or expelled. They insist that it played no role in February’s school massacre by Nikolas Cruz. They also claim that in fact juvenile recidivism rates are down and school safety is up, thanks to the program.
The evidence tells a far different story.

Broward County juvenile justice division records, federal studies of Broward school district safety and the district’s own internal reporting show that years of “intensive” counseling didn’t just fail to reform repeat offender Cruz, who allegedly went on to shoot and kill 17 people at his high school. Records show such policies have failed to curtail other campus violence and its effects now on the rise in district schools — including fighting, weapons use, bullying and related suicides.

Meanwhile, murders, armed robberies and other violent felonies committed by children outside of schools have hit record levels, and some see a connection with what’s happening on school grounds. Since the relaxing of discipline, Broward youths have not only brazenly punched out their teachers, but terrorized Broward neighborhoods with drive-by shootings, gang rapes, home invasions and carjackings.

Read the entire, well-documented, damning article.

And fight it tooth and nail in your town.

A School Walkout to Get Behind

A group of students from Rockledge High School in Brevard County briefly walked out of class Friday to show their support for the Second Amendment.

About 75 students, according to a head count by school administrators, walked onto the school’s track carrying the American flag and signs that said “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” and “I support the right to bear arms.” The event lasted about 20 minutes and then students returned to class.

Well DONE, kiddos!! And I want one of those t-shirts:

Deaton — who was wearing a T-shirt that read, “my rights don’t end where your feelings begin” — said the event was meant to clear misconceptions about the Second Amendment, not support or oppose any particular political stances.

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