Kathy Kinsley

I was so very shocked and saddened to get a text message from THS that Kathy Kinsley had died.

She was a long time commenter here, and she’d always keep checking in during those times when we had some gaps in posting, and always with grace and class.

She will be missed, and we are very, very sad.


It’s A Crazy World

Yeah, I’m still here. Been working from home for a month now, and frankly it’s a lot harder than being in the office, the work day never ends.

I hope and pray that all of you are doing well. Whether you are religious or not, the analogy of Easter holds, especially now. We find ourselves in a tomb, don’t we? Whether it be by demand of the government or by problems in life that keep us entombed between our ears, and these days a lot of us are dealing with both, now is the time to roll back that rock at the door and emerge to live anew. You can do it.

God Bless, Dear Friends.

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