And the Award for “Most Pretentiously Named Work in the Non-Fiction Category” Goes To…!”

Storms of My Grandchildren: The Truth About the Coming Climate Catastrophe and Our Last Chance to Save Humanity

…by James Hansen.

And (from a review I’ve found), of course, the book opens “with an interesting chapter on his [ths: Dr. Hansen’s] participation in four meetings of Vice President Dick Cheney’s cabinet-level Climate Task Force in 2001. It seems that the Bush Administration was prepared to let Dr. Hansen’s views on climate change influence policy. However, Dr. Richard Lindzen, whom Hansen describes as “the dean of of global warming contrarians”, was also present at the meetings. Dr.Lindzen was able to confuse the task force members enough so that they never took Dr. Hansen’s views seriously.

Get. Outta. Muthalovin’ DODGE?!?!?!??!?! NOT Bush again?

DAMN those constantly confusable, confused Bushians!

(You just never know where the little devils’ll pop up in the blame game next, do you? Great googleymoogly, I wish I’d trademarked the bastard ~ for every Bush whine, a dime! In just the past 20 months of incompetent bitching, major dad and I could have accrued enough petulant lucre to purchase a seagoing conveyance to make Lurch’s tax scofflaw look positively scowish!) (No offense intended, TahRAYza. Talking boats here.)

Or we all dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…….aaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, it’s true. Book says so. No shit. Guy’s a doctor.

3 Responses to “And the Award for “Most Pretentiously Named Work in the Non-Fiction Category” Goes To…!””

  1. JeffS says:

    The title isn’t complete. It should read:

    Storms of My Grandchildren: The Truth About the Coming Climate Catastrophe and Our Last Chance to Save Humanity From The Machinations Of Lefties And Envirotards Trying To Ruin Our Lives By Lying And Deceiving Us With A Fake Climate Crisis.

    Or something like that.

  2. Gunslinger says:

    I guess Hansen sees Al Gore’s mansions and wants a couple of his own.

    Stinking con artist, he is.

  3. Katabasis says:

    I really enjoyed that review. Thanks. 🙂

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