“Ewwww, ICK!” of the Day

Report: Jackson’s ex says he didn’t father kids
The mother of two of Michael Jackson’s children has reportedly said that the babies were conceived from a test tube.

I’ve never been able to reconcile Michael Jackson and procreational sex. The revulsion factor kicks in too quickly to even finish the thought. Test tube, outer space, black hole…anywhere, any place but from him. Now, if they can wrest those poor children free, they may stand a chance at some point far, far away.

6 Responses to ““Ewwww, ICK!” of the Day”

  1. Mr. Bingley says:

    I’ve never been able to reconcile Michael Jackson and procreational sex.
    What forms have you been able to reconcile?
    Actually, please don’t answer.

  2. Cindermutha says:

    EWWW! So much for breakfast. I kind of suspected something like the test tube

  3. Ken Summers says:

    I always assumed parthogenesis. It was more likely than MJ.

  4. Crusader says:

    Was there ever any doubt?

  5. What forms have you been able to reconcile?
    It’s an old version of the “if he had enough money, I’d do him” line used in girlfriend chats. For instance ~ in a discussion of Hollywood types and their appeal (or not), the line might apply to someone like James Woods ~ not attractive, smarmy, but hey, he’s loaded. Helps explain some of the fuglier pro-athletes and their trinket wives. Michael Jackson falls in the “I don’t care how much! WHO would do HIM?”
    And now we know.
    No one.

  6. Nightfly says:

    You should put Blinding Flash of the Obvious warnings on this one, Ms. Sister.
    Anyone want to guess the timing of the similar announcement by Katie Holmes regarding the Cruise Spawn? I’ve got next April 10th in the pool.

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