I Have to Say

…I agree wholeheartedly.

…Michael “I Kill Dogs Cause It’s Hilarious” Vick was in Chicago today speaking at a Humane Society event about the unethical treatment of animals.

I’m sad for the good-hearted people who participate in these events because they actually care for the cause. Along comes this punk bitch who is only taking part because it’s part of his probation, and they’re supposed to buy that he means it cause he has seen the light and is now advocating for animal welfare?

Please! Gimme a LARGE f-cking break. Make the guy volunteer at a homeless shelter, clean some parks, or show kids how to throw a football (even though he can only run it). At least that would be half-believable as a sincere effort to pay his dues to society. But this? Next they’ll be sending paroled pedophiles to serve ice cream at kiddie pools so they can show they’re rehabilitated.

There isn’t much in this world you can do to keep these assholes from reclaiming their gazillion dollar salaries once the prison doors open, be they dog killers, wife beaters, just plain vicious thugs…any of which would make you or me putting food on the table a challenge for the rest of our lives.

I don’t care how long it takes him to land a gig, because I know he WILL land a gig. And when he does, I’ll fire off my pissed little letter to the GM for what it’s worth.

Politicians and play-yahs got different rules, baby.

UPDATE: Well, that answers that.

Michael Vick Lands Job With Philadelphia Eagles

14 Responses to “I Have to Say”

  1. Skyler says:

    I think that he should be incarcerated for an appropriate time, preferrably a long enough time for him to not want to commit the crime again. I think there is something Orwellian about trying to control people’s minds. Big Brother required total and absolute belief. We needn’t.

    Dog fighting is looked on disagreeably by our society, but it is not really that long ago, historically speaking, that such “sports” were legitimate. Legalizing dog fights is only one short legislative vote away, if the votes were there. It’s his right to want to believe that dog fighting is good.

    My point is that we need not have everyone agree that a law is good, we only require that they obey laws (unless they are immoral). He should be punished for breaking the law, but there is no need to force him to pretend that he likes the law. Doing so only makes him a liar. I don’t see the benefit in that.

  2. Gunslinger says:

    Roger Goodell should be roasted over hot coals for reinstating Vick in the first place.

    Let the overpaid dog-killer bag groceries or mop floors.

    “He should be punished for breaking the law, but there is no need to force him to pretend that he likes the law. Doing so only makes him a liar. I don’t see the benefit in that.”


  3. Rob says:

    He’ll be booed at every field he steps foot on, even his own. The owner that signs him has his ticket holders over a barrel this year because he already has their money.

  4. kcruella says:

    He’ll be booed only until the team wins. Unfortunately that is the only thing most of the fans care about.

  5. Dave J. says:

    Vick is still on probation, and (I believe) known to have used drugs in the past. Thus, I predict he violates within six months by testing dirty.

  6. Gunslinger says:


    I hope the “Boo Birds” run Vicky right across the Delaware into Camden.

  7. greg newson says:

    Michael Vick did two years in jail,paid his dues.Give the guy a break.He grew up in a culture
    where dog fighting was normal.
    Let’s all take a deep breath
    and allow him another chance.
    He didn’t kill his next door
    neighbor,he oversaw a dogfighting ring.He deserves
    another chance.

  8. Gunslinger says:

    “Michael Vick did two years in jail,paid his dues.”

    Irrelevant. He doesn’t have a right to be a quarterback.

    “Give the guy a break.”

    No. He’s scum.

    “He grew up in a culture
    where dog fighting was normal.”

    What the hell is that supposed to mean?

    “Let’s all take a deep breath
    and allow him another chance.”


    “He didn’t kill his next door
    neighbor, he oversaw a dogfighting ring.”

    He participated in torturing, maiming and killing dogs. Serial killers often get their start torturing and killing animals.

    “He deserves
    another chance.”

    He deserves a pack of pit bulls clamped down on his buttocks.

  9. Mr. Bingley says:

    Look, I think the guy is a total scumbag and thug. But I agree with greg in that he has paid the legal price that society has demanded of him for his crime and has the right to get on with his life.

    will I watch a second of an eagle’s game or in any way support the nfl? no. i also have the right to completely ignore him.

    which i intend to exercise.

    it’s a very analogous situation to me to child molesters, frankly. i’m hard pressed to think of a more vile, abhorrent crime. but i refuse to accept the legitimacy of these molester-reporting laws. if you have paid the price with the prison time then once you are released back into society you are once again a citizen. the answer is not to have in-home monitoring or restrictions on where people can live; the answer is to make these people rot long enough in prison.

  10. Skyler says:

    Or put them out of our misery and execute the bastards.

    But dog fighting is nowhere near that level.

  11. Kate P says:

    This is a novel way for the Eagles to embarrass Philly. Yet again.

  12. Gary from Jersey says:

    Damn. I lost our Giants tickets because of that seat license deal, and I would have loved to be there when the Iggles show up. It’s gonna be a riot, maybe even better than when the fans heard Jimmy Hoffa was buried in the end zone.

  13. Gunslinger says:

    “But I agree with greg in that he has paid the legal price that society has demanded of him for his crime and has the right to get on with his life.”

    With that much I agree. From the legal standpoint his slate will be clean once his probation is finished without further incident.

    It still doesn’t alter the fact that he isn’t owed forgiveness from the league, other players, or especially the fans. He isn’t owed a quarterback position or any position on any NFL team. If individuals want to forgive him that’s their choice. I choose not to forgive.

    In my opinion, sporting in general is far too lenient towards genuine criminals in sports uniforms.

  14. NJ Sue says:

    Vick didn’t just run the dog fight operation. He personally tortured and killed dumb innocent beasts for fun and profit. He was 27 years old when he did this. Frankly I would be afraid to be in a room alone with him or someone like him. That said, he has “paid his debt to society,” but I would bet that he’ll be back in jail again for something else in a few years. People like him are scum of the earth with no empathy and no conscience.

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