So Hoos Gonna Be Virginia’s Next Coach?

Man, we stink. I mean, we’ve always sucked wind at football, but I could always count on the basketball team to get us through the winter.
But now?

6 Responses to “So Hoos Gonna Be Virginia’s Next Coach?”

  1. Hey, there’s still FSU, a chance to put a big check in the ‘W’ column. And I hate them anyway, so be positive.

  2. Mr. Bingley says:

    i guess.

  3. nobrainer says:

    I’ve never gone to a school with a good basketball team. So don’t expect much out of the Hoos next season, either.

  4. Mr. Bingley says:

    Can I email you an application to Chapel Hill?

  5. nobrainer says:

    Not a bad idea. I’ll have to think about the next basketball program I want to destroy.

  6. SadHoo says:

    It’s sad that we were better with Jeff Jones who spent more time chasing tail then coaching his players.

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