We’re Watching the NewsHour: They’re Discussing Oil Spills, Times Square, Nashville, Meltdowns, Etc. and David Brooks Has JUST Said

“This is a good time to have a president like Obama. He’s just steady.”

“F*CKIN’ GREAT” is more like what springs to my mind, although I’m sure we’ve a major difference in delivery tenor.

9 Responses to “We’re Watching the NewsHour: They’re Discussing Oil Spills, Times Square, Nashville, Meltdowns, Etc. and David Brooks Has JUST Said”

  1. JeffS says:

    Steady my achin’, dyin’ a$$. Unless Brooksie is talking about golf.

  2. Skyler says:

    Someone must have pictures of him in bed with a dead girl or a live boy. He makes no sense anymore.

  3. tree hugging sister says:

    OMG, Skyler! That wasn’t just FUNNY, it was POETIC!

  4. Gary Rosen says:

    Actually that’s an old political saw about a politician in a safe district, “He can’t lose unless he gets caught with a dead girl or a live boy.” Nevertheless it’s right on the money for poor old Brooksie.

  5. Dave E. says:

    “Steady.” The new clueless.

  6. Kate P says:

    Are you sure he didn’t say, “He’s just MY steady”? Honestly, some people are so in love with him that they just don’t see what’s going on.

  7. tree hugging sister says:

    Kate…okay…can give you that ‘schmaybe’.

  8. sheri says:

    OMG that’s funny. Talk about disconnect.

  9. nightfly says:

    Kate P – now THAT’s funny. Poor Brooks is still trying to talk himself into the Big O 18 months after the election.

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